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EU Flags Cancer-Causing Chemicals in 527 Indian Food Products: What You Need to Know About Ethylene Oxide

In a recent report, the European Union (EU) has raised concerns about the presence of cancer-causing chemicals, including ethylene oxide, in 527 Indian food products. This news has sent shockwaves through the food industry and has left consumers wondering about the safety of their food. In this article, we will delve into the issue of ethylene oxide, its health risks, and what it means for Indian food products.

What is Ethylene Oxide?

Ethylene oxide is a flammable gas used in various industrial applications, including the sterilization of medical equipment, the production of antifreeze, and as a fumigant for food. It is also a known carcinogen, which means that it can cause cancer in humans.

How Does Ethylene Oxide Get Into Food?

Ethylene oxide can get into food through the use of fumigants during transportation or storage. It is also used as a pesticide and can be present in food as a result of contamination during the growing or harvesting process.

Health Risks of Ethylene Oxide

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), ethylene oxide is a Group 1 carcinogen, which means that it is definitely carcinogenic to humans. Exposure to ethylene oxide has been linked to an increased risk of various types of cancer, including leukemia, lymphoma, and breast cancer.

Indian Food Products Affected

The EU report identified 527 Indian food products that contained ethylene oxide above the acceptable limit. These products included spices, herbs, tea, and nuts. The report also noted that some of these products had been on the market for several years, indicating a long-term exposure risk.

What is Being Done About It?

The Indian government has taken note of the EU report and has initiated measures to address the issue. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued a directive to all food businesses to stop using ethylene oxide as a fumigant and to ensure that their products are free from contamination.

What Can Consumers Do?

Consumers can take several steps to reduce their exposure to ethylene oxide in food. These include:

  • Choosing organic food products whenever possible
  • Washing and peeling fruits and vegetables before eating
  • Avoiding processed and packaged foods
  • Checking the labels of food products for any mention of ethylene oxide


The presence of cancer-causing chemicals, including ethylene oxide, in Indian food products is a serious concern. While the Indian government has taken steps to address the issue, consumers must also take responsibility for their own health by making informed choices about the food they eat. By choosing organic, washing and peeling fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed and packaged foods, and checking food labels, consumers can reduce their exposure to ethylene oxide and other harmful chemicals.

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